Public Records Request
Public Records Request - PDF
Option 1
To request copies of public records, you can fill out and submit the following form via email, fax or deliver in person to our City Clerk:
All Public Records Request are subject to the rules as defined in the California Public Records Act. The City Clerk will make every effort to respond effectively to all requests in a timely manner, but not later than the 10 day period, or extensions thereof, as provided by Government Code Section 6253.
The California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) provides California with important rights to obtain access to records held by public agencies in the State. In recent years, the City of Soledad has experienced a substantial growth in the volume of requests for public records and the Staff time required to respond to such requests. The purpose of this policy is to clarify for the public, attorneys, private investigators and insurance adjusters, the process by which the City will respond to requests for records under the California Public Records Act.
1. All requests for public records are encouraged to be submitted in writing on the form prescribed by the City Clerk in order to assist City Staff in responding efficiently to all requests, unless the request is to review an agenda or agenda report of the City Council or a City Commission or committee, the Municipal Code, or the General Plan, which are available at the City Clerk’s office public counter or on the City’s Internet website at www.cityofsoledad.com.
2. The City Clerk will make every effort to respond effectively to all requests in a timely manner, but not later than the 10 day period, or extensions thereof, as provided by Government Code Section 6253.
a. The City Clerk shall review the request and determine whether the request seeks identifiable records and, if not, the City Clerk shall assist the person making the request to identify records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request, if stated.
b. The City Clerk shall request all City Departments which may have the records requested to search their files and report back to the City Clerk on whether the Department has the records and, if so, when the records can be made available to the person requesting them.
c. The City Clerk shall respond to the person requesting records be advising in writing of the availability of the documents, a description of the information technology and physical location in which the records exist, and whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure under the provisions of the Public Records Act. To the extent feasible, the City Clerk will provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records or information sought in compliance with Public Records Act.
d. If a request is made for copies of the records, the City Clerk shall also advise the person requesting copies of the estimated costs of copying the records requested.
e. The person requesting the copies shall pay the per page charge for copying as set forth by resolution of the City Council for all copies requested. The City Clerk shall not make the requested copies until a deposit in the amount of the estimated costs of copying is received and shall not release the copies until the full cost of copying is paid to the City.
3. In accordance with the Public Records Act, the City will provide only specific identifiable records but will not research City records for particular types of information or analyze information which may be contained within public records. The City will not create a new document to satisfy a records request nor will the City recognize standing request.
4. The City will respond to requests for public records in accordance with the terms of the California Public Records Act as the Act now exists or may hereafter be amended, and nothing in this Policy is intended nor shall it be constructed to conflict with the terms of the Public Records Act.
City Clerk Office Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Friday
248 Main Street, Soledad, CA 93960 • Telephone (831) 223-5014 • Fax (831) 678-3965
Public Records Request - Form
Option 2
In addition, you can fill out the electronic form below which will also go to our City Clerk for processing.
Soledad City Hall
248 Main Street • Soledad, CA 93960
Phone: 831-223-5000 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm