Albert Bill Ramus Park, approximately 0.45 acre located at the comer of Monterey and Soledad behind City Hall.

This park is highly visible from both streets and is a popular neighborhood picnic spot.


  • Paved pathway
  • Picnic Area
  • Picnic Benches
  • Lawn areas
  • Shade Trees
  • Landscaping


Bill Ramus Park offers reservations for picnic use which may be completed in person at the Soledad Community Center, located at 560 Walker Dr, Soledad, CA 939360. Availability and reservations for picnic use may also be viewed and completed through the online catalog here; please note reservations submitted online will be pending approval.

Applications must be submitted 30-days in advance of an event.

If you have any other questions, please visit the Soledad Community Center:

email us at, or call us at 831-223-5030. 


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